Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back from my trip

In align with my previous post, I was thinking for the next couple of weeks, the topic of advice could be on Travel and advice you would pass on to your daughter on travel. My brother could probably help on this one, but a few that I have thought of:

- Always tell someone where you are going and when you will be coming back
- Make a list of 5 places you want to see and make it to one of them before 35
- Not all adventures have to be in a foriegn contry
- Traveling with friends is a benefit, but not required
- Save some extra funds as emergency use only - just in case
- Buy one thing that will last, you will cheerish it as time goes on

Will post more, this are just for starters ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog...keep bringing it ma'am...

    -- When traveling with friends keep track of funny and notable one-liners...they will provide great laughter and good memories when you return.

    -- Take time and learn a little about those you travel with - everyone has a story to tell.

    -- Always travel in groups and never, ever leave anyone behind.

    -- Closeness has nothing to do with distance...
