Saturday, July 3, 2010

What would you pass on?

I was thinking to myself one day that I really should start documenting the lessons I have learned as advice for my daughter, who is now 2. So when she grows, I can hand it over. However, it occured to me that the best advice I have recieved are from my friends.

So I welcome anyone, post the advice, over time I will group and organize the compilation.

A few examples:
- Don't ever cut your own bangs
- Learn to walk in heels
- Learn to play one instrument
- Learn to cook one meal, confidently
- Update your goals on a regular basis, life is always changing


  1. I love that you're doing this blog. And I love this idea! I guess sometimes I'm so girl-powerish that I'm afraid I'll make my daughter grow up to scoff at men, but here goes:

    1. Believe that you are worth it.
    2. Have your own bank account. Make your own money.
    3. Junior high sucks, but it'll end eventually.
    4. Take the time to be alone, to discover who you really are.

  2. Great idea, Nikki! I don't have a daughter... yet, but who knows :)

    I just finished a really great book, called "Half the Sky" by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. The title comes from a Chinese saying that "women hold up half the sky." The book is a pretty intense read, as it highlights the oppression of women and girls in the developing world -- though the angle the authors take is hopeful, leaving you ready to take action. The book left me thinking about... well, a lot of things, but one being what it means to be a women and discovering the feminine strength that ties us all together. On that note a few things that I would pass on…

    - Engage in the world -- we'll all be better for it.
    - The high dive seems a lot higher when you're looking down off the board.
    - Dance. Do karaoke. Girls really do need to have fun.
    - For college girls - Beware of “trash can punch” and “jungle juice!”
    - Class has nothing to do with what you wear or how much money you have.
